Monday, September 12, 2011

GO Map this week 9/13- Retelling Fiction Stories

This week we are reviewing the Retelling GO Map that helps students understand the importance of story elements. This map will identify the characters, setting, problem(s), and solution in a fiction story. Students will read their "just right" book, and then as they are reading they will fill out the go map. MOST students complete this at school, so parents here's where you come in... when you see "GO Map" for homework that night, they are just reviewing what they did in class and possibly adding items they may not have noticed the first time reading. (If your child chooses a nonfiction story, main idea and details would be identified.)It is so important that students can talk about what they are reading. GO Maps help them organize their thinking to help them comprehend the text. Graphic organizers help students construct meaning. Summarizing requires students to determine what is important in what they are reading and to put it into their own words.
Here is a copy a student has completed: Remember, good readers should be able to think about their own thinking :-) Happy Reading The First Grade Team

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